Friday, May 4, 2012

Journal 31

I went to Memorial Medical Center for my job shadowing experience and got to shadow several different Emergency Room nurses and what they would do during a normal day and this was very helpful to me in finding a career choice that I might enjoy. While in the Emergency Room I got a chance to see some really interesting things and meet some crazy people. I shadowed a nurse named Pamela for the first couple of hours and she had to deal with a drunk guy who was claiming to be suicidal and also and couple that was faking an injury in order to get some heavy pain killers so that they could just go sell them on the street. They were really sketching and started talking to me and I had to be nice and the guy was like I could have been a doctor but there was no way this guy was even close to be smart enough to go to college. I was curious as to if he graduated high school. Pamela also let be hang out in the trauma room for a while. They brought in a guy who had fallen out of the back of a truck bed. He was going to be okay which was good. The trauma room was super cool and crowd though but they were doing some every interesting things. Pamela had to leave about half way though the day so then I got to hang out with Cadi and she was super nice. We did some more rounds and then she got called to help with the guy they were bringing in off the ambulance who was hit by a car while on his bike. They got the patient into the emergency room and I got to stand right in the room and they stuck the guy with a needle and he started having a seizures and it was really scary but neat at the same time. I got to follow that guy all the way through the trauma room stuff and I thought that was really awesome. I also got to stay in the trauma room for a lady who was possible having a heart attack. After shadowing Cadi, I got to hang out with Nathan, who actually graduated from Plains, and he was the kid who got to watch the open heart surgery during his job shadow day. He took to his room and let me help draw blood from this lady and it was super cool. I got to change out the vile that fills with blood. I loved it in the Emergency room and that is definitely something that I would consider doing as a career. The career day was awesome and the people down there were super nice and I feel like if I choose this career I would never have a baring day.