Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Journal 26

The debate between morally right and wrong is a gray line and whether or not there is a time or reason great enough to break the law. If you are dying and the only way to live is to break the law break that law the need to survive and provide is extremely important and it triumphs all the laws because life is important. If a woman was homeless and had no money to provide for her kid I think it is okay for her to do whatever she needs to do to give that baby the best chance to survive. I think it is acceptable for a person to break the law in need to save their family and keep things at home okay. If she is going to steal food it should be healthy food and not like brownies or candy. The law is a great thing and it prevents many people from doing stupid things but some people take advantage of the system that provide for the poor people. People that do not work and are totally capable of working and collecting welfare or disability is the fault of the government because they do not regulate it as much as possible and these people are able to continue using government funding without really needing it and taking away from the people who really need it and I believe that this is a crime and should be punished for these crimes. The government should have better regulation of their money. Their are those who have to live on the welfare and it is sad when people abuse it. The law is the law and if you have a woman who is living on the street with no money and food who really needs to feed her kids should she be allowed to get the money compared to the people who are abusing the law. I think the woman should have just amount of right to help her family. The law is a questionable thing that is messed up in many ways.

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