Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Journal 11

James Madison's proverb "One man's trash is another mans treasure" is a common theme in our house. My mom comes home with random stuff that they are going to get rid of at her hotel and brings it home because she gets a big idea about a way to reuse it. This weekend she brought home to giant bathroom mirrors that were going to get thrown away but instead of letting them go in the trash she brought them home. Emily and I asked her why she does it and she responded with do you know how much these mirrors cost. She spray painted them black and sliver so that they would look new. Theses stupid mirrors weight a ton and you can not just hang them on a wall they have to braced and its a big project. Before the mirrors she has brought home curtains and rods in an attempt to create a big movie curtain to go across the projector screen downstairs, but instead those curtains are hiding our furnace, air conditioning unit, Christmas, and other holiday decorations. The first big thing that she brought home was a potted tree. She brought home one one day and was hoping that she could save the tree because it was almost dead and she did. Once she saved that one she came home with four more of them and now they are all healthy trees and they are all over the house. These are heavy and big trees that have to be moved into the house for the winter and they shed all over. One man's trash is definitely another's treasure. The person who sees that as a treasure is my mom she has a way of turning trash into something useful. Some people just throw away broken or old stuff that they do not use anymore but instead they should think of a creative way to turn it into something different. Some people take old broken bathtubs and turn them into flower beds personally I think it looks tacky but to some its really cool. Reuse old junk is recycling which is awesome for the environment.

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